4 benefits of CrossFit as a team sport

It’s no secret that team sports have major benefits. It generates positive emotions towards sports, it peaks our motivation and it can even help boost our sense of self. CrossFit isn’t very different. Moreover, it’s a sport where the social aspect of it – the Community – is of major relevance.
That’s why I feel compelled to further analyze the minutia of the CrossFit’s social impact seen from a psychological standpoint. I’ve come up with 4 reasons why I consider CrossFit to be more enjoyable when practiced as a team.
1. You go harder when someone’s looking
Thanks, Captain Obvious. We need no scientific study to prove this. We’ve all dragged our significant others to important sporting events because we know darn well they’ll launch our motivation through the roof. When you know they’re looking, you go that much further. It’s in our nature.
In CrossFit, workouts can get real tough. To the point they make us question why we’re even doing it and we feel like giving up. That’s when your team partner comes up to you and tells you to pick up that bar, how can you say no?
2. Compare, measure and repeat
One of the cornerstones of CrossFit is that we use measurable data. Either team member or individual, we all seek higher levels of fitness that will protect us from developing chronic diseases. Benchmarks and strength numbers allow us to compare our results following a timeline to see our progress.
If we have the possibility to measure and compare against other members – and not just ourselves – we get that much more information. Now, we can see where our fitness level stacks up in the Box. The information is even more complete during the Open season.
3. Sharing the weight, lightens the load
If you’re able to get into the pain cave maxing out on your squat by yourself in a dungeon you’re either aiming for the elite or you’re flat-out crazy. Normally, when you train by yourself, you spend time working on weaknesses or perfecting acquired skills to boost your self-esteem. However, nobody enjoys individual suffering so you always end up doing the workout of the day just to share the pain with the other members.
Sharing the pain with others always makes it easier. It can even be fun because you can go on to talk about how hard it was and laugh at the people waiting for the next class to start who have no idea what they’re getting into.
4. A sense of belonging can help build your identity
Groups play an important role in building our identity. Ranging from your family to the team you have in the Box, they all provide information on how you perceive yourself and how others should perceive you.
The time dedicated to training, competition or leisure will contribute to group cohesion. All this, reinforces the bond between the members and it’ll give your sense of self a new meaning. You’re not just Mary, now you’re a team member of CrossFit «Whatever». Sense of belonging is no joke when it comes to competing because it can be one of the most powerful motivators.
We’ve seen it in teams that have competed side by side. They talk about going harder than ever since they don’t want to disappoint their teammates. Fighting for a higher purpose – the team’s goal – gives you more energy. Not because we’re altruistic but because, as social animals, we can’t help but actively seek approval from our loved ones. We don’t want to let them down.
Better together

I guess what I’m trying to get to is that sport, when shared, maximizes its benefits both for the body and the mind. I’m not telling anyone to go team and ditch individual competition, but I highly recommend you try it at some point. You’ll be able to find out what I’m talking about.